Written by
Len Gauger
Published on
May 18, 2024

How to Get Your Event Sponsored in 2024

Event sponsorship is a strategic partnership where a company or brand provides financial or in-kind support to an event in exchange for promotional benefits and exposure. This collaboration is crucial as it offers mutual advantages: sponsors gain access to a targeted audience and enhanced brand visibility, while event organizers receive essential resources to ensure the event's success.

An event sponsorship can significantly boost a brand's recognition and credibility, making it a vital tool for effective marketing and business growth. Understanding how to secure event sponsorship is key to maximizing these benefits and creating impactful, memorable events.

What Is Event Sponsorship and Why Are They Important?

Event sponsorship is a strategic partnership where a company supports an event financially or through in-kind contributions in exchange for various benefits such as brand exposure and marketing opportunities. Brand marketers greatly benefit from event sponsorship;  41% believe event marketing is essential for boosting brand visibility. Here's a more detailed look at why event sponsorships are important:

Increased Brand Visibility

Sponsorships provide a platform for brands to gain exposure to a targeted audience, significantly enhancing brand recognition and visibility. This is especially effective at events that attract a specific demographic or niche audience.

Audience Engagement

Events allow sponsors to engage directly with attendees, creating meaningful interactions that can foster brand loyalty. This face-to-face engagement is invaluable for building a personal connection with potential customers.

ROI and Sales Growth

Effective sponsorships can drive a high return on investment by generating leads and sales opportunities. By aligning with events that attract their target market, sponsors can convert attendees into customers more efficiently.

Building Business Relationships

Sponsoring events often opens up networking opportunities with other sponsors, event organizers, and attendees. These connections can lead to new business partnerships and collaborations, enhancing the sponsor's business network.

Market Insights

Sponsors gain access to valuable data about attendee demographics and behaviors, which can inform future marketing strategies and product development. This direct feedback from a targeted audience is critical for refining business approaches. 

Targeted Marketing

By choosing events that align with their brand values and audience, sponsors can execute highly targeted marketing campaigns. This precision helps in maximizing the impact of their marketing efforts and achieving specific business objectives.  

Community Support and CSR

Sponsoring local or community events enhances a company's corporate social responsibility profile. It demonstrates a commitment to supporting the community, which can improve public perception and strengthen the brand’s reputation.

How to Get Your Event Sponsored

Getting your event sponsored can be quite a task if you barely know your way around it. However, learning to close in on prospective event sponsors can do the trick. Here are practical tips on how to get your event sponsored in 2024:

1.   Understand Your Event and Define Its Audience

Understanding your event includes defining its purpose. That means marking its overall and specific objectives, themes like health or sustainability, and its focus. It can also be prudent to ensure its objectives align with the broader scope of potential sponsors involved. It's also good to determine if your event will be virtual, hybrid or in-person and who will attend it.

It's also recommended to define your target audience and how the event will help your potential sponsor. First, ensure you define your audience by the demographics that suit your event, including age range, gender distribution, and industry or professional background. Depending on the value they offer your potential sponsor, you can narrow the target audience down, such as by their buying power, level of engagement, and networking opportunities.

2.   Research Potential Sponsors

Before researching your potential sponsors, clearly understand who you want and how they can align with your event goals and objectives. Your event should have a theme your potential sponsors can resonate with. Moreover, your prospective sponsors should match your values and agree with your terms of operations to avoid possible friction.

Consider this tip when doing your sponsor research: identify similar events to see who sponsored them and make your picks. Most event websites keep track of the sponsors who've worked with different companies and brands and can be your ideal repository for finding one. You can also use a business matchmaking app or LinkedIn to find sponsors within your niche.

3.   Create a Proposal

Crafting a proposal is where the most work is when looking for nonprofits and organizations to get your event sponsored. Proposals are a way of marketing your brand and event to potential sponsors, so it's best to pull all the stops to make them the most engaging and enticing. Here are a few things to consider when crafting a high-converting proposal to event sponsors.

  • Understand the sponsor's objectives. Ensure your proposal demonstrates how sponsoring the event will benefit the sponsors.
  • Make the executive summary strong. A solid executive summary should emphasize the key benefits and project value to the sponsors.
  • Describe the event in detail. Don't simply give a vague overview of the event; be more profound with the intricate details to showcase your commitment to adequately planning for it.

Some prospective event sponsors may be nonprofits and may not be interested in getting any financial benefits they gain from sponsoring your event. However, they still may seek exposure to market their brand mission.

Reach Out to Brands 

Effective outreach to companies for event sponsorship involves several strategic steps. 

First, research potential sponsors to identify companies that align with your event's theme and audience, ensuring they are not direct competitors to avoid conflicts. Tailor your proposals to address the specific needs and objectives of each potential sponsor, highlighting how sponsoring your event can help them achieve their marketing goals. Use warm introductions whenever possible, as mutual connections can increase the likelihood of a positive response. 

Identify and contact decision-makers within the companies, crafting concise and compelling messages that quickly convey the value of your sponsorship opportunity. 

Leverage LinkedIn for B2B outreach because it’s one of the most valuable platforms for researching and connecting with potential event sponsors. Be persistent but respectful in your follow-ups, regularly checking in with potential sponsors and providing additional information as needed to keep the conversation moving forward. 

Finally, ensure that the goals of your potential sponsors align with your event's objectives because this alignment increases the chances of a successful partnership.

The Bottom Line

Securing event sponsorship in 2024 can transform your event's success by providing essential resources and enhancing your brand's visibility. By understanding your event's purpose and defining its target audience, you can identify sponsors that align with your goals. Tailored proposals, clear communication with decision-makers, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn for outreach are crucial steps. 

Persistence and ensuring alignment of goals between your event and potential sponsors will foster successful partnerships. Following these strategies will help you unlock the benefits of event sponsorship, making your event impactful and memorable.

Book a demo with Connect Space to find out how to promote attendee networking with our matchmaking app.

Len Gauger


Len Gauger is the innovative founder and CEO of Connect Space. Gauger has an impressive background, previously serving as an analyst at the U.S. Department of Defense. He showcases a unique blend of entrepreneurial spirit, strategic vision, and a knack for tech innovation. His diverse experiences have equipped him to effectively lead Connect Space, an events management platform company based in the bustling tech startup environment of Ann Arbor.